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This project page contains data, input files, analysis instructions, and all results for the study: **Sexual Dichromatism Drives Diversification Within a Major Radiation of African Amphibians** *(Portik et al. 2019)* ***Abstract*:** Theory predicts that sexually dimorphic traits under strong sexual selection, particularly those involved with intersexual signaling, can accelerate speciation and produce bursts of diversification. Sexual dichromatism (sexual dimorphism in color) is widely used as a proxy for sexual selection and is associated with rapid diversification in several animal groups, yet studies using phylogenetic comparative methods to explicitly test for an association between sexual dichromatism and diversification have produced conflicting results. Sexual dichromatism is rare in frogs, but it is both striking and prevalent in African reed frogs, a major component of the diverse frog radiation termed Afrobatrachia. In contrast to most other vertebrates, reed frogs display female-biased dichromatism in which females undergo color transformation, often resulting in more ornate coloration in females than in males. We produce a robust phylogeny of Afrobatrachia to investigate the evolutionary origins of sexual dichromatism in this radiation and examine whether the presence of dichromatism is associated with increased rates of net diversification. We find that sexual dichromatism evolved once within hyperoliids and was followed by numerous independent reversals to monochromatism. We detect significant diversification rate heterogeneity in Afrobatrachia and find that sexually dichromatic lineages have double the average net diversification rate of monochromatic lineages. By conducting trait simulations on our empirical phylogeny, we demonstrate that our inference of trait-dependent diversification is robust. Although sexual dichromatism in hyperoliid frogs is linked to their rapid diversification and supports macroevolutionary predictions of speciation by sexual selection, the function of dichromatism in reed frogs remains unclear. We propose that reed frogs are a compelling system for studying the roles of natural and sexual selection on the evolution of sexual dichromatism across both micro- and macroevolutionary timescales. ***Page Overview*:** Here we provide sequence capture alignments, gene trees, and species tree analysis input files. We include the five locus and mtDNA alignment, input files for the constrained RAxML analysis, conversion to ultrametric tree, and the input and output files for the BEAST analysis. We include all input files and results for the Bayesian ancestral character reconstruction analyses, and the input files and results for the HiSSE analyses of our empirical data. Finally, we include all data, scripts, and output files from our trait simulations analyzed using BiSSE and HiSSE. [1]:
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