As part of the NSF FAIROS RCN program, the FAIR Facilities and Instruments project seeks to develop
community-based recommendations and best practices for research instrumentation persistent
identifier (PID) adoption to enable open science. As the open science ecosystem coalesces around DOIs
for datasets, ORCIDs for individuals, and RORs for organizations, multiple PIDs for research
instrumentation (e.g., DOIs, RRIDs, ARKs) have emerged around particular use cases and disciplinary
needs. Thus, a coordinated and community-based approach is needed to ensure PIDs for research
instrumentation are adopted in ways that benefit open science broadly. This talk will present efforts to
date, including multiple focus groups and a workshop that convened national experts to discuss
motivations and barriers for PID adoption as well as near-term actions to target. These project findings
represent an important step on the path to incorporating PIDs for facilities and instruments into the
wider open science ecosystem, which allows these resources to be connected to other entities like data
sets, researchers, organizations, articles, grants, and more. This is necessary for research transparency and reproducibility as well as for recognizing the essential contributions of facility and instrument
operators. The presentation will conclude by highlighting next steps for the project.