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Hello! Thank you for your interest in my work, “Persistent Guidance of Attention in Visual Statistical Learning” (Conn, Becker, & Ravizza, 2020). Here, you will find all of the data necessary to replicate my analyses and use the data for your own secondary analysis. This package includes a folder for each task: the bound length judgement task (Exp. 1), the unbound length judgment task (Exp. 1 but also used in Exp. 2), and the orientation judgement task (Exp. 2). These folders include our E-Prime experiment files (studio and run files), raw data from E-Prime, raw data converted to .csv files, clean data (outputs from running the included R scripts) for each participant, and master files in Excel, SPSS, and JASP, which include averaged values for every participant for each variable of interest. Additionally, I have included a folder for Experiment 1 Analysis and Experiment 2 Analysis, which include combined master files in SPSS and JASP for the tasks as they are presented in the paper. Thus, whether you want to collect your own data with these tasks, use the same variables in our data, or conduct novel analyses using different factors, you will find everything you need here. Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions about these data. Note that if you try to replicate our JASP analyses, you will get slightly different Bayes factors each time. However, the general pattern of results should not change. These data are published in: Conn, K. M., Becker, M. W., & Ravizza, S. M. (2020). Persistent guidance of attention in visual statistical learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Advance online publication.
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