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Description: In the present study, we asked if morphological representation could be, at least in part, attributed to statistical learning. To investigate this, we exposed readers to pseudo-letter strings and we tested whether they developed sensitivity to the presence and position of affix-like chunks embedded in those strings. Importantly, since they were devoid of any semantic, syntactic or phonological content, chunks could be represented only based on the visual statistical information related to their occurrence across strings. Thus, evidence for affix sensitivity would support the hypothesis that morphological processing of real words (at least partly) relies on the ability to extract regularities from visual input. This study has been published in: Lelonkiewicz, J. R., Ktori, M., & Crepaldi, D. (2020). Morphemes as letter chunks: Discovering affixes through visual regularities. Journal of Memory and Language, 115, 104152.


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artificial languagechunkinglanguage learningmorphologyreadingstatistical learningvisual word processing

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