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**Poster C57** -------------- Eleonora Beier, Suphasiree Chantavarin and Fernanda Ferreira Thanks for stopping by our poster! Please feel free to ask questions or post comments using the OSF comments tool (speech bubble icon in the top right corner). ---------- **Short Abstract:** In this project, we investigated how disfluencies (filled pauses, repeats, and repairs) and other aspects of language production vary with age through a longitudinal corpus study of conversational speech. Analyses from publicly available interviews of 91 individuals showed that disfluency rate did not significantly increase with age, contrary to our hypothesis. However, slower speech was associated with more filled pauses. Exploratory analyses further revealed that disfluency rate is associated with average content word frequency, sentence length, and lexical diversity. Overall, our findings highlight that disfluency rate is not directly predicted by age, but rather by other relevant characteristics of language production.
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