## Data
- https://osf.io/y3zg8/
- Raw, merged, and processed datasets for the project.
- Files included:
- [Effect Sizes csv](https://osf.io/yt9kp): Effect sizes, moderators, and other meta-analysis variables
- [Original Data rar](https://osf.io/zqyw3): All original individual lab datasets in a zipped (rar) format
- Lab Information:
- [Lab characteristics csv](https://osf.io/pjwhs): CSV file that includes information about labs included in the project. Note that the file "blank" lines are tied to the lab listed above it.
- [Extension variables csv](https://osf.io/m8uda): CSV file that includes information about the extensions included in each lab. Note that the file "blank" lines are tied to the lab listed above it.
- [Lab characteristics table docx](https://osf.io/cghyv): Lab information from the previous files in a pretty table format.
- [Dataset table csv](https://osf.io/pmgv2): A CSV file that includes all lab links to OSF pages and datasets.
- Merged data:
- [All data without extensions](https://osf.io/s2bfe): CSV file with all the data from individual teams merged together, no extension variables
- [Codebook](https://osf.io/wdcmv): explanation for processed and merged data to understand variables in the data.
- [All data with extension variables](https://osf.io/rknex): CSV file with the extensions variables included.
- [Extension variables](https://osf.io/ucx26): a list of the extension variables included by each lab
- [Processed data](https://osf.io/dax6g): Data used for analyses.
- [Replication Data](https://osf.io/fh96u): Data from the original study used to calculate sample size and power.