Two experiments were conducted (Stroop 1 and 2) between June 2018 and January 2019 to investigate whether social distractors would increase the interference effect in a traditional Stroop experiment.
* Stroop 1 recruited 50 participants, and used a stimulus set of 96 unique stimuli, presenting the images twice (resulting in 192 trials in total). Importantly, due to a mistake in setting up the Psychopy experiment, in the human-incongruent condition, only images of female faces were presented as distractors, while in the human-neutral condition only male images were show. This mistake was corrected in Stroop 2.
* Stroop 2 recruited 70 participants, and used a stimulus set of 192 unique stimuli. In addition to the reaction time data, there is rating data on two items ("Agency" and "Experience"), which are included as well. The items are bespoke questions based on the 2007 Gray, Gray & Wegner [paper "Dimensions of Mind Perception"](