This project is the home of data, code, and preprint for the paper "Stable Individual Differences in Occasion Setting" by Steven Glautier and Ovidiu Brudan.
The files are in three groups.
1. Participant data
2. r-code
3. Latex files
4. Simulation files
The r-code analyses the participant data. It can be run standalone or is called during the [knitr][1] build of the latex .Rnw files. The r-code contains only limited documentation. However, the 'literate' programming model of knitr is designed to facilitate understanding by linking the code, data, and the human readable report. Starting with the preprint pdf review the code in osid#2.Rnw. From there the r-code which produced the latex in osid#2.tex can be located and inspected.
For example, on page 15 of the pdf preprint it states 'Figure 8 for the non-inhibitor and inhibitor group ratings were 1.08 (µ) and 2.54 (µ + δ)'. The knitr code which produced these values can be found in osid#2.Rnw
<code>'for the non-inhibitor and inhibitor group ratings were \Sexpr{fn$fndp(noPost_2,2)} ($\mu$) and \Sexpr{fn$fndp(noPost_2+deltaPost_2,2)} ($\mu+\delta$)'
The \Sexpr(essions) reference r-variables noPost_2 and deltaPost_2 which are defined in osidBFExport.r, thus by examining the Rnw files and the r files it should be possible to follow the analyses that have been performed.
NB to reproduce the analyses a JAGS installation is also required.
Please contact me at if further information is required.