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Description: To reflect the present-day prevalence of multimodal language uses, in second language testing, we developed and investigated two novel types of viewing-to-write test tasks and accompanying rating scales. These multimodal integrated tasks require watching a visual-aural input and producing a written text based on it, targeting specific language functions. We administered four task versions to 134 EFL learners, with a subgroup of 20 participating in post-task recall interviews. Quantitative and qualitative analyses showed that our viewing-to-write tasks and rating scales elicit, reflect, and evaluate multimodal integrated language use and are practical for testing such abilities of intermediate-advanced level learners. FREE MATERIALS - Our tasks, specifications and rating scales can be found via the 'Files' tab above. - A webinar recording on our project can be found here: FEEDBACK Thank you for accessing our viewing-to-write materials. We are keen to hear your thoughts, experiences, or feedback through this short survey: This research was funded by a British Council Assessment Research Grant 2022. The British Council does not discount or endorse the methodology, results, implications or opinions presented by the researchers.


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