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Category: Project

Description: . In this OSF project, we provide additional materials for the following article (open access via the doi link): Humberg, S., Grund, S., & Nestler, S. (2024). Estimating nonlinear effects of random slopes: A comparison of multilevel structural equation modeling with a two-step, a single-indicator, and a plausible values approach. Behavior Research Methods, 56, 7912-7938. The files are organized in the following folders: Code_Templates: This folder contains code templates that implement the MSEM, simple 2-step, SI, and PV approach. Please see the readme-file in the folder for guidance. Empirical_Illustration: This folder contains the code and daily diary data used for illustrating application of MSEM and SI. Please see the readme-file in the folder for guidance. RSA_Explanations: This folder contains a file with explanations on the auxiliary RSA parameters (for readers unfamiliar with RSA). Simulation_Code: This folder contains the analysis code used to conduct the simulation study. Simulation_MoreResults: This folder contains supplementary results for the simulation study: - SOM_results_01_balanced = complete result tables for the conditions with balanced data (including conditions omitted in the paper) - SOM_results_02_unbalanced = complete result tables for the conditions with unbalanced data (including description of data generation) - SOM_results_03_further_approaches = additional results for two further approaches (simple 2-step approach based on OLS estimates of the slopes; PV approach with nonlinear background model) - SOM_results_04_linear = results of an additional simulation with a linear L2 model - SOM_results_05_iccvariation = results of an additional simulation with variation of the ICCs .

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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