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  1. Nick Nystrom
  2. Paola Buitrago
Affiliated institutions: Carnegie Mellon University

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Category: Uncategorized

Description: The video of three of the presentations and roundtable panel in Session 2, as well as the corresponding slides

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Video & Annotation for Session 2: Open Data and Reproducibility

0:00 Nick Nystrom, Interim Dirctor of PSC & Paola Buitrago, Director of AI & Big Data at PSC, Talk Title: PSC Resources and Initiatives Enabling Open Science

20:19 Dan Valen, Strategic Partnerships at Figshare, Talk Title: Figshare: store, share, discover research

39:35 Victoria Stodden, Professor of Information Sciences at Univer…


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PSC Resources and Initiatives Enabling Open Science

Nystrom & Buitrago
Slides and video from presentation at the Open Science Symposium at Carnegie Mellon University on October 18th, 2018

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Figshare: Store, Share, Discover Research

Slides and video from presentation at the Open Science Symposium at Carnegie Mellon University on October 18th, 2018

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Open Data, Code, and Computational Reproducibility

Slides and video from presentation at the Open Science Symposium at Carnegie Mellon University on October 18th, 2018

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Open DataOpen ScienceReproducibility

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