This folder contains the scripts (matlab and R) used to preprocess and analyze the raw data, the preprocessed outputs (.csv) and analysis outputs.
**1. Proportion of looks based on time window**
Matlab scripts #1 were used to preprocessed the raw data, and output the "Allsubjects_time_window_analysis.csv". This csv file was further used to run the linear mixed effect regressions.
**2. Temporal analysis**
Matlab script #2 was used to preprocess the raw data, and output the "Allsubjects_temporal_analysis.csv". This csv file was then used in the Rscript #2 to derive the timecourse of effect for each subject. The output files were then submitted to matlab script #3 to be organized in a format that was permitted by bdot. Finally, the Rscript #4 was used to run the bdot to estimate the timecourse of effect.
Outputs from the bdot anaysis for each subeject were stored under the folder of 'bdot analysis outputs'.