This project provides data, analysis scripts and materials used for several studies of the relationship between pragmatic and core language skills.
These studies are reported in the following publications:
Wilson, A. C., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2019). "If you catch my drift...": Ability to infer implied meaning is distinct from vocabulary and grammar skills [version 3; peer review: 3 approved]. *Wellcome Open Research, 4*, 68.
Wilson, A. C., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2020). Judging meaning: A domain-level difference between autistic and non-autistic adults. *Royal Society Open Science, 7*(11), 200845.
Wilson, A. C., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2021). "Second guessing yourself all the time about what they really mean…": Cognitive differences between autistic and non-autistic adults in understanding implied meaning. *Autism Research, 14*(1), 93–101.
Wilson, A. C., & Bishop, D. V. M. (2021). A novel online assessment of pragmatic and core language skills: An attempt to tease apart language domains in children. *Journal of Child Language*.
Researchers are very welcome to use our materials in their work. Please see the wiki of the Materials component for information on accessing the materials.