**Figure 4. TUNEL staining of mouse tissues.** Mice bearing orthotopic 22Rv1 human prostate tumors were intravenously injected with PBS alone (PBS), 1 mg/kg DOX and PBS (DOX + PBS), or 1 mg/kg DOX and 4 µmol/kg of iRGD (DOX + iRGD). TUNEL staining was performed on tumor and heart sections of each animal. Number of mice per condition (n=6; n=18 mice total). One-way ANOVA on apoptotic index of all groups; _F_(2, 15) = 1.378, _p_ = .282. Planned contrast between DOX + PBS and DOX + iRGD; _t_(15) = 0.435, _p_ = .670 with _a priori_ alpha level = .05.
Access [analysis script][4] for the statistical tests related to this figure. This script will call the [data][6] directly from the OSF.
[4]: https://osf.io/g69kf/
[6]: https://osf.io/5sr6y/