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The Objects-on-Hands Picture Database
Date created: 2019-04-04 08:15 AM | Last Updated: 2022-07-12 08:53 PM
Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/XN2U9
Category: Project
Description: We developed a set of high quality standardized photographs of objects from six different categories (fruits, vegetables, kitchen utensils, office supplies, toys, and women’s accessories), recorded under two camera viewpoints (top and frontal viewpoints), and five presentation conditions (on its own, held by clean hands, and by hands covered with different substances: sauce, chocolate and mud). Naming normative data and object familiarity ratings are provided from a North American and a Portuguese sample. Further affective evaluations (disgust, arousal and valence) are provided for the various stimuli condition as well as for a context manipulation. Examples of the database and request for access can be made here: Here we make available a set of supplementary files containing the following information: S1 Appendix. List of pictures available in each condition and viewpoint. S2 Appendix. Indexes related to the naming task and familiarity ratings obtained for each stimulus and in each sample. S3 Appendix. Responses coded as modal names, the different alternative names provided, along with their corresponding frequencies and percentages of occurrence. S4 Appendix. Arousal, disgust, and valence ratings provided for each stimulus, in each encoding context.