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Description: The few studies investigating neural correlates of mentalizing and social-self-evaluation among adolescents suggest that both perspective-taking and its neural foundations are developing during adolescence. Understanding both individual differences in, and changes in, perspective-taking tendencies as they relate to neural activation of mentalizing regions during social-self-evaluation among adolescents may offer a novel means of understanding pathways to, and individual differences in, health and well-being in adolescence. This project asks the following questions: Do behavioral perspective-taking tendencies correlate with age in adolescent girls*? Does activation in mentalizing regions (dmPFC, vmPFC, rTPJ, lTPJ, and precuneus) during social-self-evaluation correlate with age in adolescent girls*? Do girls* with greater perspective-taking tendencies elicit greater activity in mentalizing regions during social-self-evaluation? Do latent changes in tendencies to take others’ perspectives correlate with latent changes in neural activation of mentalizing regions during social-self-evaluation? 174 girls* aged 10.00-12.99 years (*at study enrollment, 171 identified as female and 3 as non-binary) participated in a longitudinal study on social and neural development. At each of 2 waves (18 months apart), the participants completed a self-report of perspective-taking tendencies, and a social-self-evaluation fMRI task in which they decided whether 50 traits relevant to social status and relationships describe them, as well as a high-level control condition. Analyses will be pre-registered; preprocessing will be performed with fMRIPrep, first-level models will be run with SPM12, and multi-level models and bivariate latent change score analysis (Kievet et al., 2018) will be conducted in R. Scripts will be made available at This abstract does not present preliminary results to limit the negative consequences of running interim analyses.


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