Input files to the R script OneRecording_IRR_MusicBouts_Voices.R.
**Q388_StartEndTimes.csv:** subject ID, start time of day (H:M:S), and end time of day (H:M:S) for one recording.
**Q388_ELANexport_MusicBouts_CODER1.txt:** Coder 1's music bouts coding for one recording exported from ELAN.
**Q388_ELANexport_MusicBouts_CODER2.txt:** Coder 2's music bouts coding for one recording exported from ELAN.
**Q388_LTedited.txt:** lists start time (secs.msecs), end time (secs.msecs), and numeric count for each section of the recording that was coded for music (generated in the recording pre-processing steps).
**Q388_Match_Voices.csv:** list of music bouts where Coder 1 and Coder 2 coded matching voice identities.*
**Q388_NoMatch_Voices.csv:** list of music bouts where Coder 1 and Coder 2 coded different voices identities.*
*Note: the voice identities in the files shared here have been de-identified. The original voice identities either matched (e.g., mom & mom) or were different (e.g., mom & sister) between Coder 1 and Coder 2. The numbering (i.e., Voice1, Voice2, etc.) is internal to each coder.