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Please upload your data following guidelines provided on the NICE:CROWD Instructions to Authors. A summary of the instructions is provided below. Contributors who have reached the desired N (100) can begin the process cleaning their data. The majority of scoring procedures for the scales included in the Qualtrics survey can be found [HERE.][1] Some measures such as: the Youth Risky Behavior Scale (YRBS), Safe Sex Behavior Questionnaire (SSBQ), Network of Relationship Inventory Social Provision Version, Parent – 50 DYADS, and Contemporary Filial Piety Scale should simply be summed. Scoring for the SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) can be found [HERE.][2] Make sure to use the scoring for the SDQ for those aged 18+ Data should be cleaned in accordance with ones’ typical practices. We do advise however excluding data if more than 10% of a participant’s data is missing. **We also ask that contributors please thoroughly document their data cleaning procedure**, as well as provide both a pre and post set of data (or a single file with a code that notes the pre/post cleaning datasets) For the time being, data from one’s home institution can be used in approved scholarly activities (such as: data analyses in research methods classes or conference presentations). Conference presentations can include talks, and poster presentations. Scholarly activity related to the CROWD project should be uploaded [HERE.][3] We kindly ask that contributors wait until the CROWD Project manuscript is prepared and published before engaging in publication attempts using data from one’s home institution. The collective data set will be publicly available for mining after the completion of the CROWD project. [1]: [2]: [3]:
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