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  1. Putri Nurfahmi
  2. Rizal Faozi Malik
  3. Ratih Paniti Sari

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Description: Dieng Plateau which is located in Wonosobo district is has more than 2000 masl region. Lake in Dieng Plateau were formed by volcano activities, include Cebong Lake. This lake is located under Pakuwojo, Saroja andSikunir foot mount. Sedimentation is eminent problem in Cebong Lake, because it may silting up and repeal thelake. Disappearance of Cebong Lake would threaten any human activities whose trade on its resources especiallyfor farming activities as the main activity in this region. In addition, inhabitants want to preserve Cebong Lake. Therefore, they have to be a wise to environment. Methods used in this research are direct measurement of bathymetry mapping using echosounder, interpretation of suspended sediment in Cebong Lake, and interview. Result from this research is the lifespan prediction of Lake to supply water resources for farmers. In addition, it is concluded that local wisdom re-actualization is important to gain longer life span of the lake and impede its disappearance.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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