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  1. Donatella Della Porta
  2. Brian Doherty
  3. Valentina Holecz
  4. Håkan Johansson
  5. Jasmine Lorenzini
  6. Dániel Mikecz
  7. Viktoriia Muliavka
  8. Dieter Rucht
  9. Ruud Wouters
  10. Clare Saunders
  11. Sabrina Zajak
  12. Lorenzo Zamponi

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Category: Project

Description: The #FridaysForFuture climate protests mobilized more than 1.6 million people around the globe in March 2019. Through a school strike, a new generation has been galvanized, representing a historical turn in climate activism. A team of social scientists from universities across Europe organized a survey of the global FFF strike events on March 15. The team surveyed protesters in 13 cities in nine European countries using the same research design to collect data, following the well-established protest survey methodology used previously in the “Caught in the Act of Protest: Contextualizing Contestation” (CCC) project.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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