# Welcome to the Connected Memory Lab Wiki!
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We are the **Connected Memory Lab** based across Royal Holloway, University of London, and the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre.
In our research, we use advanced neuroimaging techniques (fMRI, dMRI) and novel cognitive tasks to investigate the brain systems and mental representations underpinning human memory and spatial cognition. Beyond these fundamental questions, our goal is to use this knowledge to better understand the brain alterations
and memory impairments that occur in neurological and mental health disorders, such as
Alzheimer’s disease, depression, and PTSD (go to https://www.connectedmemorylab.com to
find out more!). As a research group, we are committed to creating a supportive, diverse, welcoming, and inclusive environment.
Information about the day-to-day running of the lab can be found in the [lab manual](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VU3bDM3RbYLmcY9e2f9g7i7EYUk54G-sAVp6SqV863E/edit).
To see current members, visit: https://www.connectedmemorylab.com/people
**Lab members**: We want your feedback so please help us make this a dynamic document by adding more information or details.
[1]: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/3ed724_1d6efd9a76c34840975fe46acf2aad9c~mv2.png/v1/crop/x_133,y_389,w_1915,h_1014/fill/w_510,h_266,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Untitled-Artwork.png