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GOLIAT-SEAWave joint international panel survey on mobile communications technology
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Category: Project
Description: This project is a collaboration between three academic institutions (University of Exeter, University of Vienna, IU International University of Applied Sciences), that has been designed to meet the aims of two Horizon EU projects on fifth generation wireless telecommunications technology (5G): SeaWAVE and GOLIAT. The survey is informed by prior literature on risk perceptions of mobile communications (e.g Frey et al., 2021), as well as qualitative research conducted by SeaWave and GOLIAT researchers. The survey aims to gauge the general publics’ perceptions of 5G mobile communications technology with an emphasis on: 1) perceived exposure to radiation; and 2) the perceived health risks associated with these technologies. The survey will be administered to online panels in ten countries: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Approximately 1,000 respondents, aged 16+ years, will be recruited within each country. Interlocking quota samples on age and sex, as well as non-interlocking quota samples on region, will be used to achieve nationally representative sub-samples. Data will be collected via web link by a third party professional sub-contractor during September 2023.
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