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Covid19 Lockdown Related Brain Changes  /


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Category: Analysis

Description: To run the analysis, open the R script file "CovidBrainChanges_DataAnalysis_v2.R" and follow the instructions. Instructions To run the script make sure you save the script in the same directory with all required external data files: * volData.mat - MATLAB output with the volumetric measurement of all participant, created with SPM based CAT-12 * ScanBahavior_CodeKey - code key linking participants' code in the questionnaire and scans * owid-covid-data.csv - COVID-19 outbreak data from 'our world in data' * HebEngDict.xlsx - used to translate questionnaire in Hebrew to English * Demographics.xlsx * behavioralData.xlsx - lockdown 7-items questionnaire Install the required packages under 'Dependencies' section, using install.packages("Package_Name") It is reccomended to run the script line by line using an IDE such as RStudio, as some of the output will be printed to consule. The R script file "CovidBrainChanges_DataAnalysis.R" was used to create an early preprint, published on Sep 12th, 2020.


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