# Digital Open Science
The material in this repository complements the [manuscript][1] describing a course on open science. The curriculum can be found in the [main pdf][2]. It contains the list of sessions and a table for each session, giving short descriptions of the exercises and a time table for the 1.5h per session. Additionally, background and descriptions for single sessions can be found in [here][3].
## Sessions
1. [Introduction to open science][4]
2. [Preregistration][5]
3. [Data Repositories][6]
4. [Code Management][7]
5. [Open Access][8]
[1]: http://osf.io/5pm8e
[2]: https://osf.io/t5bzc/
[3]: https://osf.io/tcnjb/
[4]: https://osf.io/x5gcj/
[5]: https://osf.io/5pc4r/
[6]: https://osf.io/qckex/
[7]: https://osf.io/fvqjc/
[8]: https://osf.io/rt2he/