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Pellegrino, R., Vaccaro, V.A. 2019. “E-learning: ses enjeux dans le domaine du FLE”. Open Journal of Humanities 1: 69-85.
- Rosario Pellegrino
- Valeria Anna Vaccaro
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Category: Communication
Description: Nowadays new technologies influence deeply language teaching/learning processes. In fact, there are plenty of modern methodologies supported by them and new experimentations show how important they are for FLE (Français Langue Étrangère) learners too. This article aims at presentino the MOOC world, which is made up of lots of different learning activities and full courses for the acquisition of French Language attended by very large audience across the world. It focuses on the fact that MOOCs are still unknown to most language teaching experts though their importance in order to support rather than to replace teachers. Some particolar MOOCs’ courses are analysed for general as well as for specific purposes. They represent a sort of pedagogic tsunami as they develop constantly and a valid alternative to traditional courses of French language because of their innovative, revolutionary offer.
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