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This project has three sub-folders: **Data** contains data from the current experiment. It is subdivided into three folders: - *Behavioral* contains behavioral log files for each participant, documenting their button-press responses during the eye-tracking experiment - *Eye-tracking* contains eye-tracking reports from EyeLink - *Pretest* contains behavioral log files for each participant, documenting their button-press responses during the pretest **Materials** contains two zip-files with the audio files and images used during the experiment. **Scripts** contains the R analysis scripts that were used to run the mixed effects models reported in the paper. - *preprocessing.R* reads in and formats the behavioral, eye-tracking, and pretest data - *analysis.R* contains code to reproduce the mixed effects models and figures from the paper - the three text files (log_onsets.txt, log_voweloffsets.txt, target_articles.txt) contain time points of interest in the stimuli that are useful for further analysis steps **IMPORTANT!** To reproduce the analyses, make sure to put the (unzipped) Data and Scripts folders in the same folder (doesn't matter what this folder is called). The R project should be in the Scripts folder. Make sure to always start by opening the R project and then loading any scripts you want to run. This way the folder with the R project will be set as the working directory and will help with loading/ saving commands working properly.
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