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Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability /
RP:P Pages for Replications
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Category: Project
Description: This page contains copies of the RP:P project pages for all replications in Many Labs 5. The projects are linked on the right side of this page.
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RP:P Replication of Risen & Gilovich (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:26 UTC
Revision of RP:P Replication of D Albarracín, IM Handley, K Noguchi, KC McCulloch, H Li, J Leeper, RD Brown, A Earl, WP Hart (2008, Exp. 7)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:18 UTC
This is an independent replication as part of Many Labs 5.
ML5 Replication of E van Dijk, GA van Kleef, W Steinel, I van Beest (2008) Basic Info
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:23 UTC
This is an independent replication as part of Many Labs 5
RP:P Replication of Payne, Burkley & Stokes (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:19 UTC
RP:P Replication of LoBue & DeLoache (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:28 UTC
Data, Materials, Reports: ML5 Replication of Shnabel & Nadler (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:27 UTC
RP:P Replication of J Förster, N Liberman, & S Kuschel (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:23 UTC
This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.
RP:P Replication of Vohs & Schooler (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:28 UTC
RP:P Replication of Albarracín et al. (2008, Study 5)
| Forked: 2016-04-07 15:17 UTC
RP:P Replication of JR Crosby, B Monin, D Richardson (2008)
| Forked: 2016-04-24 13:52 UTC
This is an independent replication as part of the Reproducibility Project: Psychology.
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