TITLE: What does research impact mean to participants? Interview study to explore participants’ views on the impacts of healthcare research
DESIGN: Qualitative interview study
AIMS: To explore research participants’ views on the impacts of research involvement, specifically for research that has been led by NMAHPP healthcare professionals. NMAHPP - nursing, midwifery, allied health professions, pharmacy and psychology
ANALYSIS METHOD: Thematic analysis
POPULATION: Current and previous research participants/patient research advisory group members who are/have been involved in research led by NMAHPP healthcare professionals
ELIGIBILITY: Research involvement in past 3 years
START DATE: 01/11/2021
END DATE: 19/07/2022
FUNDER: NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and Imperial Health Charity
* 298078_Letter_of_HRA_Approval_04.08.21 = Ethics approval via HRA
* AppA_InterviewQuestions_1.0_06.04.21.pdf = Interview question guide
* AppD_PIS_1.0_17.06.21.pdf = Participant information sheet
* Coding tree = Coding tree iteratively developed during data coding
* Impact_Protocol_ICformat_1.0_02.06.21.pdf = Approved study protocol
* ParticipantSummary_21.06.22.pdf = Provisional summary shared with participants
* RecruiterSummary_22.06.22 = Provisional summary shared with recruiting sites and organisations
* SL05_(PRS)_Favourable_opinion__298078_07 07 2021.pdf = Ethics approval via NHS REC