The Mindboggle-101 surface and volume templates were generated as part of the Mindboggle project ([][1], [OSF][2]) and are licensed under a [Creative Commons License][3]. A template is an unlabeled image used as a reference or standard, often for registering other images to each other.
Each one of the image volumes and surfaces below was constructed by combining the images from multiple subjects. ANTS brain volume templates were made with **, head volume templates with **, and FreeSurfer surface templates with *make_freesurfer_template.txt*.
Templates are constructed from the members of each "GROUP" (OASIS-TRT-20, NKI-TRT-20, NKI-RS-22, MMRR-21, HLN-12, etc.) and some templates are provided after affine transformation to "MNI152space". Volume templates are ANTs nonlinear average nifti templates (2012-13) and surface templates are FreeSurfer nonlinear average .tif templates (2012):
- Head_VolumeTemplate_[GROUP].nii.gz
- Brain_VolumeTemplate_[GROUP].nii.gz
- Brain_VolumeTemplate_[GROUP]_MNI152space.nii.gz
- Brain_VolumeTemplate_[GROUP]_MNI152space_2mm.nii.gz
- Brain_VolumeTemplate_[GROUP]_MNI152space_affine.txt
- SurfaceTemplate_[GROUP]/: cortical surfaces
- SurfaceTemplate_Mindboggle101/: N=101 cortical surfaces