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  1. Céline Bagès

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Description: Stereotype threat (ST) refers to the risk of confirming a negative stereotype about one’s group (Steele & Aronson, 1995). Distinct forms of ST can be elicited based on both the target and the source of the threat (Shapiro & Neuberg, 2007). Few studies have shown that the target of threat could have distinct effects on one’s performance (Wout, Danso, Jackson, & Spencer, 2008; Zhang, Schmader, & Hall, 2013). In the present project, we focused on how peculiar ST sources distinctly impact performance for individuals who face self-based threats. More particularly, we hypothesized that the decrease in performance would be stronger for individuals who face a self-concept threat (triggered by a private self-evaluation) in comparison with those who face an own-reputation threat (triggered by a public evaluation). Two studies tested this hypothesis. Results will be published soon in the Journal of Social Psychology (the postprint can be find below).


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