Whether you are using advanced version control systems like [git](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Git&oldid=796964780), shared storage tools like Google Drive, or just emailing your analysis scripts to collaborators, the OSF has something to offer. The OSF can connect many tools you may already be using directly to your project as **[Add-ons](http://help.osf.io/m/addons/l/524148-connect-add-ons)** so that you don't have to change your workflow to get the advantages of the OSF. If you don't yet have a tool, the OSF's built-in [version control](http://help.osf.io/m/files/l/524182-file-revisions-and-version-control) and [permission management](http://help.osf.io/m/projects/l/482001-add-contributors#A-Choose-permissions-for-contributors) can help make storage and collaboration easier.