Scholarship from Project:
**Peer-Reviewed Conferences**
1. Mannweiler, M., Seibyl, J., Tan, T. Y. & Cipriano, C. (Forthcoming, 2023, April). Centering the emotional experiences of educators of color with matched-pairs design during the COVID-19 pandemic. In C. Cipriano (Chair), Managing emotions in times of uncertainty and stress: Findings from a free national course for educators 2020-2022 [Conference symposium]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
2. Tan, T. Y., Mannweiler, M., Seibyl, J., Cipriano, C., Baumsteiger, R., & Zieher, A. (2021, August). Educator well-being during COVID-19: Comparing experiences from BIPOC and white school personnel [Poster presentation]. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Virtual.
3. Mannweiler, M. D., Tan, T. Y., Seibyl, J., & Cipriano, C. (2021, May). The unintentional dilution of voices of color in traditional qualitative analyses [Flash talk]. Association for Psychological Science Convention, Virtual.
12. Mannweiler, M. D., Seibyl, J., Tan, T. Y., & Baumsteiger, R. (2020, December). Connecticut educators: Social and emotional learning in times of uncertainty and stress [Poster presentation]. Yale Child Study Center Associates’ Meeting, Virtual.
**Non-Peer Reviewed Publications or Media**
1. Mannweiler, M. D., Tan, T. Y., Seibyl, J., & Cipriano, C. (2022). The unintentional dilution of voices of color in traditional qualitative analyses [Invited article]. Observer, 35 (1), 65.