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Overview -------- This OSF webpage provides preprocessed data and code for the following paper: Favila SE, Kuhl BA, & Winawer J. (2022) Perception and memory have distinct spatial tuning properties in human visual cortex. *Nature Communications* 13, 5864. The paper can be downloaded freely at the journal [website][1]. Data Organization ---- **data/** - **data/wlsubj0??/behav**: contains behavioral data from the pre-scan training session and from the scanned perception and memory tasks. - **data/wlsubj0??/bold**: contains preprocessed BOLD timeseries projected to the native cortical surface. Please contact the authors for preprocessed timeseries in volumetric format or raw timeseries. - **data/wlsubj0??/glmdenoise**: contains results of GLM models that estimate the evoked BOLD response to each stimulus during perception and memory. - **data/wlsubj0??/retinotopy**: contains model parameters for one gaussian (linear), and css pRF models. Also contains forward model predictions for one gaussian, css, and DoG pRF models. - **data/wlsubj0??/rois**: contains masks of visual areas V1, V2, V3, hV4, LO, and V3ab, hand-drawn by the authors. - **data/dataframes/**: contains intermediate data files resulting from the analysis code. **freesurfer_subjects/** - contains freesurfer directories for each subject. Files containing identifying information (such as original T1s with faces) have been deleted. **stim/** - contains stimulus images used in the experiment, including lures used in training. **GitHub: sfavila/Favila_NatComm_2022 (main)** - linked github repository containing code to reproduce analyses and figures [1]:
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