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This is a replication package for a paper by Aneta Piekut entitled “Time and sample quality in a Facebook ad-generated survey with Polish migrants in the UK” published by *Survey Methods: Insights from the Field* in August 2024 ( The analysis is based on an online survey with Polish migrant essential workers (PMEW) living in the United Kingdom (UK) during the Covid-19 pandemic. Ssurvey data used in the analysis can be accessed here: Piekut, Aneta; Gawlewicz, Anna; Narkowicz, Kasia; Wright, Sharon; Trevena, Paulina; Le, Thi Phuong Linh (2023). *Polish Migrant Essential Workers in the UK during COVID-19: Survey Data, 2021*. The University of Sheffield. Dataset. Start with the project README.txt file to familiarize yourself with the content of the replication package.
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