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A Grammar of Galo
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Description: Post, Mark W. (2007). A Grammar of Galo. PhD Dissertation. Melbourne, LaTrobe University. This work is the first comprehensive descriptive grammar of the Laredialect of Galo, a Tibeto-Burman language of the Tani branch spoken incentral Arunachal Pradesh State, in the North East Indian Himalaya. It is based on primary data obtained from original fieldwork conducted by the author in Galo towns and villages in Arunachal Pradesh over three years. In addition to description of the synchronic phonology and grammar of Lare Galo, it contains a historical overview and preliminary reconstruction of Proto-Galo segmental phonology, in addition to a glossary of approximately 1,300 lexical roots with 4,000 lexical exemplars and three fully analyzed texts.
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