This project contains supplementary material, data, and R scripts in order to reproduce the results from the manuscript "Should regularization replace simple structure rotation in Exploratory Factor Analysis?" (accepted for publication in Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal).
In **Condition_Complex2.pdf**, we report the results of an additional simulation condition that we investigated during the discussions in the review process. In this condition, even higher cross-loadings were specified for the population. A short summary can be found in the file as well.
The file **Supplementary.pdf** contains supplementary tables in which all parameters estimates (i.e., factor loadings and factor correlations) are reported in detail.
Please open **Simulations.Rproj** for the scripts to work without additional path adjustments.
For each study, the following files are provided:
- **Analyses#.R:** Analyses of simulation results
- **loadings.xlsx:** Population loading matrices
- **metaSim#.R:** Main script to run the simulations
- **model.txt:** Contains the measurement model for the regSEM in lavaan syntax
- **Study#.Rdata:** Simulation results reported in the paper
- **toolfunctions.R:** Utility function to generate the measurement model
If any questions occur, please do not hesitate to contact us.