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Multicriteria Criticality Suggestion For Established Microservices Oriented Architectures
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Category: Project
Description: The microservice-oriented software architecture considers the separation of responsibilities for separate components, thus creating a set of interconnected services. In order to assess the criticality in established architectures oriented to microservices, the use of a multicriteria approach is proposed by this dissertation, aiming at suggesting the most critical microservice to aid the decision process of software architects and other decision makers for investment maintenance or evolution of microservices in architectures in use. Intending to pursuit greater stability in established architectures, the proposed approach, supported by the AHP method, performs a dynamic evaluation of multiple criteria with different weights according to the user profile that will use the proposed approach, making it more adherent the need for different profiles and aggregating different points of view in order to more assertively suggest the most critical microservices, outlining the focus of the evolution or maintenance of microservices in established architectures.