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## Functional neuroanatomy of language without speech: An ALE meta-analysis of sign language ##
We identified the neural substrates of sign language in deaf singers on meta-analytic grounds by carrying out Activation Likelihood Estimation (ALE) meta-analysis and corresponding diagnostics using the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) literature on sign language processing and production.
## Project structure ##
This OSF project contains the collected foci data as well as all files resulting from the different analyses and diagnostics. Please see `notice.txt` for an overview of the directory structure.
## License ##
The data and diagnostic files are provided here free of charge in the hope that they will be useful for other researchers. The license for all data created by the authors is the *Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License*. However, this may not apply to all of the files archived here (please refer to `license.txt` for details).
If you rely on our data in your own work, please reference the following publication in your paper(s):
> Trettenbrein, P. C., Papitto, G., Friederici, A. D., & Zaccarella, E. (2020). Functional neuroanatomy of language without speech: An ALE meta-analysis of sign language. *Human Brain Mapping*. [https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25254](https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25254)