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Description: This study is the first to explore micro-development in L2 sociolinguistic evaluative judgements of standard German and Austro-Bavarian dialect by adult German learners using dense time serial measurements. Intensive longitudinal data (10 observations per subject) were collected from 4 learners (2 directly after arrival in Austria, and 2 after 7 months of residence) at approximately weekly intervals over 3 months. We made use of fitted additive models (GAMs) with superimposed periods of significant change to identify rapid developmental phases in individual evaluative judgement trajectories. By triangulating GAMs with both qualitative introspective and retrodictive interview data, we identified environmental and psychological stimuli for change within each individual’s sociolinguistic micro-development. Concerning the time and timing of phase shifts, learners evinced both increasing and decreasing periods of significant change, notably independent of length of residence. Results revealed that dynamic constellations of identity- and agency-related factors alongside more intensive social interaction with the naturalistic context and target variety speakers at a given moment contribute to significant changes in sociolinguistic micro-development. We discuss findings from a complex dynamic systems perspective and highlight the necessity for micro-longitudinal studies in variationist SLA so as to better capture stimuli for change in learners’ evolving multivarietal sociolinguistic repertoires.


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