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New Education Policy Of India 2020  /

  1. Marianmai Maisuangdibou...iD: 0000-0003-3106-2020

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Category: Communication

Description: ABSTRACT If education is crucial for any civilization, will the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) improve India’s education system in the future? Education in Northeast India (NEI) is unlike India's rest due to several reasons such as geographical distinction, cultural diversity, religious pluralism, socio-cultural heterogeneity, and linguistic varieties. NEI is a mini world within the world. The multiplicity of life and nature in NEI is a boon for the world to cherish and learn. However, the region has become the most neglected area in the country. This trait has alienated the region’s population from India; it also created a socio-cultural gap. In this given context, can the NEP 2020 improve the education of the people? The vision of NEP 2020, instead of uplifting the NEI from educational slumber, could create more hurdles if the socio-cultural milieu of the people is not taken into consideration. Therefore, an attempt to contextualize the existing education system in NEI and interrelate it with NEP 2020 is vital in this paper. Keywords: Northeast India (NEI), National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), context, alienation, transformation


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