First, extract dataset_pseudolabel.tar.gz
Training set is inside dataset_pseudolabel/train/ folder, Validation set is inside dataset_pseudolabel/validation/ folder, Testing set is inside dataset_pseudolabel/test/ folder, and Unlabeled set is inside dataset_pseudolabel/unlabeled/ folder.
For the training, validation and test sets, file naming follows <lane_id>\_<capture_time>\_<cow_id>.png, where lane_id is the ID (from 0 to 3) of the milking parlor exit lane from where the image was taken, capture_time is the time the image was taken with milliseconds precision, following the format YYYYmmddHHMMSSsss, and cow_id is the tag ID of the cow present in the image.
For the unlabeled dataset, file names only contain the lane_id and capture_time.