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We have received a number of inquiries about options to use the staRt app over telepractice, particularly during COVID-19. In our internal testing, we have not had much success in using the app over Zoom by screen-sharing from the iPad or using mirroring software. The app is pretty resource-intensive, so the wave tends to run too slowly if other software (such as Zoom) is running at the same time. However, individual clinicians have reported to us that they had success using staRt with screen-sharing or mirroring, so you may want to give it a try and see how it works on your device. The only reliable solution we have found so far was to build the app in the Xcode software development simulator on a Mac; then you can screen-share on Zoom with relatively limited lag/loss of resolution. However, building the app in simulator requires some significant tech savvy, so we don't recommend it unless you have or have access to someone with some programming experience. (And you need to have a Mac; there’s no PC option.) The instructions are in the readme on [this github page][1]. We also use soundflower to route audio directly from Zoom to the simulator; instructions for setup are in the uploaded document. If you try to build the app and get stuck somewhere, contact us (nyuchildspeech at gmail) and we can ask our developer to help troubleshoot. Please note that the staRt app development team is currently working to build a browser-based version of staRt that could be readily shared over video calls for use in telepractice - see for updates. [1]:
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