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  1. Alisa Rothe
  2. Simon Kleinert

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Category: Project

Description: In the present investigation, we aimed to demonstrate how to effectively motivate people to reduce their meat consumption. We therefore adopted and refined a two-stage intervention strategy that consists of showcasing videos about animal suffering during meat production and a dialogue with an activist who addresses moral disengagement strategies regarding meat consumption. The results of two studies suggest that the dialogue incrementally changed people's evaluations of meat and thereby their willingness to change their diet. Importantly, we were able to demonstrate in Study 2 that these effects seemed to result from a reduction of moral disengagement strategies (i.e., attributions of animal emotion). Note that provide a scientifically based argumentation catalgue for researchers, activists and lay people who want to study or implement interventions that aim at reducing people's meat consumption. The argumentation catalgue is freely available on OSF (


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