This repository contains supplementary materials (all the data gathered and scripts used to produce the charts and aggregated data used) for the publication `Open up: A Survey on open and non-anonymized peer reviewing.` and the scripts . This work is currently under review.
## Authors and licenses
All materials in this repository are by Lonni Besançon, [CC BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
## How to
To produce the charts in the publication, one can use RStudio and open `Open Reviews.Rproj`. The script automatically processes the data file to produce each chart.
The `../Data` folder contains all the categorization of the qualitative feedback from the 30 respondents to the survey and a csv file.
The data file, `Likert_answers.csv`, contains all Likert Scale answers for each of the 30 respondents.
In the following we describe each column of the data file.
1. 'consider_open_altchi': do respondents consider using an open (i.e.,
publicly available/accessible) reviewing process for future Alt. CHI
submissions. Answers range from 1 (I disagree) to 5 (I agree).
2. 'consider_nonanonymised_altchi': do respondents consider having
signed reviews for future Alt. CHI submissions. Answers range from 1
(I disagree) to 5 (I agree).
3. 'consider_open_all': do respondents consider using an open (i.e.,
publicly available/accessible) reviewing process for future CHI
submissions (considering more 'serious' tracks at CHI). Answers
range from 1 (I disagree) to 5 (I agree).
4. 'consider_nonanonymised_all': do respondents consider having signed
reviews for future CHI submissions (considering more 'serious'
tracks at CHI). Answers range from 1 (I disagree) to 5 (I agree).
The survey is closed but [accessible][1] for reviewing and transparency purposes.
[1]: https://goo.gl/forms/ZPc1y4cin32NFZc43