![enter image description here][1]
## Introduction ##
The ***Encyclopedia of Pandemic Activism*** is a resource for activists, researchers from any discipline, students, and anyone else interested in activism "before," "during," and the eventual "after" the COVID-19 crisis.
What are the historical antecedents to different social movements and social justice causes at this time of global pandemic?
Scholars maintain that the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the inequalities in our society.
Activists counter that too many of us already knew the inequalities existed — that COVID, disparate responses to victims of the virus, a healthcare industrial complex, prisons and hospitals overwhelmed, workers worthy of higher wages now deemed "essential," and too many other political, economic, and social failings.
The ***Encyclopedia of Pandemic Activism*** explores what activism looks like in the face of a global health crisis and major economic collapse.
Scholars enrolled on the *Theorizing Activism* course, which is part of the [Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Barnard College][2], contribute to this encyclopedia through their insightful study, research, discussion and participation.
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/vt3a9/providers/osfstorage/5fb710f55502ac03658c5106?mode=render
[2]: https://womensstudies.barnard.edu/