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This component contains the raw data in csv format for the project "*Confidence at the limits of human nested cognition*" There are three files: **alldata** - the data from the main experiment. **control1dat** - the data from control experiment 1 (where only second order ratings were required). **control2dat** - the data from control experiment 2 (where the second order rating was a forced choice confidence judgement, and the third order, a rating, with no fourth order judgement). All data are structured with the following columns: 1. Participant number 2. Block number 3. Trial number 4. Target stim location (1=right, 2=left) 5. First order response (1=right, 2=left) 6. Correct (0=incorrect, 1=correct) 7. Second order confidence (1=low, 2=high) 8. Third order confidence (1=first 2=second interval) 9. Fourth order confidence (1=low, 2=high) 10. Reaction time (for the first order response) Forced-choice confidence judgements were given every second trial, and so data is aligned with the second interval, as well as any following judgements Participants 9 and 10 did not participate in the control experiments, and so their data is blank in these files.
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