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Affiliated institutions: Harvard University

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Category: Project

Description: Companion Site for Harvard Medical School Canvas Network MOOC Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management Funding: NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Initiative Research Education, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management Companion Wiki Site

This project supports the Harvard Medical School MOOC Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. The course was active on Canvas from 2018-2023. This project site maintains course materials that can be accessed on-demand.

Here you will find all the course curricular materials.

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Module 1: Introduction and Overview

Module 1: Introduction and Overview of Research Data Management, The Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module will describe...

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Module 2: Research Lifecycle

Module 2: Research Lifecycle, Best practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module covers the research lifecycle and a few actionable c...

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Module 3: Contextual Details

Module 3: Contextual Details (needed to make data meaningful), Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module explores what meta...

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Module 4: Data Storage and Security

Module 4: Storage, Backup, and Security, Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. Storage, backup, and security are fundamental and in...

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Module 5: Data Management Policy

Module 5: Data Management Policy, Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module presents requirements embodied in funder, instit...

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Module 7: Data Sharing and Reuse

Module 7: Data Sharing and Reuse, Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module will describe the tools that are going to be ava...

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Module 6: Biomedical Ethics

Module 6: Biomedical Ethics, Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module will go into the study of ethical, social, and legal ...

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Module 8: Curation & Preservation for Data

Module 8: Curation and Preservation for Data, Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module focuses on thinking about how the ch...

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Module 9: Scientific Research Team

Module 9: Scientific Research Team, Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management. This module focuses on the scientific research team divers...

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Posters and Presentations

Posters and Presentations related to the development of the 'Best Practices for Biomedical Research Data Management' MOOC.

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Canvas Data

Deidentified Canvas Course Student Data

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BD2KBig DataBiomedicalCourse MaterialsCurriculumData CurationData PolicyData PreservationData ReuseData SecurityData SharingData StorageMetadataNIHRDMResearch Data ManagementResearch LifecycleResearch Team

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