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**Participants** Participants were recruited from undergraduate General Psychology classes at BYU-Idaho. An [email][1] was sent out to all students in General Psychology offering course credit and a chance to win an Amazon gift card for participation. Our goal for recruitment is 37 participants, which would match the sample size from the original study. Data collection ceased as soon as we met that goal, but was to end no later than November 30th, 2017. <br/> **Materials** The study was be conducted using laptops, and the computer program MatLab. The MatLab code we used to recreate the experiment results in a total of eight runs, each run containing 75 trials. Each trial consists of the presentation of two separate abstract color swatches to the participant, who will select one of the swatches by hovering their cursor over it. After their choice is made, a corresponding task will appear, prompting a response from the participant. There are two different types of tasks, each of which have different rules describing when participants should left click, and when they should right click (in response to the prompt). Both tasks are equal in difficulty, the demand of the queue is determined by how often it switches between tasks. The participants' choice of queue is the dependent variable, with each color/position representing either high or low cognitive demand. The independent variable is the rate at which tasks prompted by the queues switch. The high demand queue will switch tasks 90% of the time, and the low demand queue will switch tasks 10% of the time. Position and color of the swatches will change after each run. <br/> **Procedure** All students in the General Psychology classes received an email inviting them to participate in the study. Those who agreed to participate will signed up for a time slot, and were met by a researcher at a research lab at the agreed time. The researcher reviewed the [informed consent][2], and delivered instructions verbally via this [script][3] to the participant who then was allowed to proceed with the experiment. We supplied the participants with a written copy of [instructions][4], and will remain nearby to answer questions they might have. Once the participant completed the experiment they alerted the researcher, at which time the participant was excused and entered into a drawing for one of the three aforementioned gift cards. Each participant expected to take an average of 30 minutes to complete their responsibilities. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
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