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Course Syllabi for Open and Reproducible Methods
- Richard Ball
- Sara Bowman
- Garret Christensen
- Michael C. Frank
- David Funder
- Konrad Hinsen
- Nicole Janz
- Norm Medeiros
- Edward Miguel
- Brian A. Nosek
- Russell Poldrack
- Simine Vazire
- Felix Schönbrodt
- Eric-Jan Wagenmakers
- Lorne Campbell
- Eric Luis Uhlmann
- Martin Schweinsberg
- Neil Bearden
- John M. Zelenski
- Daniel J. Simons
- Gustav Nilsonne
- Michael J. Kane
- Joseph Hilgard
- Jennifer Howell
- Michèle B. Nuijten
- John Kitchener Sakaluk
- Rodica I. Damian
- Sean Mackinnon
- Henrik Danielsson
- Brent Roberts
- Heather L. Urry
- Katherine S. Corker
- Edouard Machery
- Caio Maximino
- David Thomas Mellor
- Jon Grahe
- Timothy H. Parker
- Don A. Moore
- Flavio Azevedo
- Charlotte Hartwright
- Benjamin Le
- Julia Strand
- Maia Salholz-Hillel
- Amy Orben
- Moin Syed
- Ana P. Herrmann
- Argiro Vatakis
- Rima-Maria Rahal
- Simon Schwab
- Daniel Umpierre
- Lisa DeBruine
- Krista Byers-Heinlein
- Melanie Soderstrom
- Nate Breznau
- Olavo Bohrer Amaral
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Category: Project
Description: A collection of course syllabi from any discipline featuring content to examine or improve open and reproducible research practices. Email to join project, access articles, or add other syllabi.
Instructors across disciplines have adapted statistics and methods courses, or launched new courses, to examine open science and reproducibility. Below is a list of available syllabi from these courses. We welcome your additions, request to be added as a contributor to add your own.
- "Scientific Computing" short course taught by Konrad Hinsen, 2015, Frontieres du Vivant
- "Meta-a…
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