# Glaswasian #
The Glaswasian corpus consists of spontaneous speech recordings of mainly female Glasgow Pakistani Asian speakers aged 14-18 in paired or group settings along with the interviewer. The recordings took place between April 2006-April 2009. Speakers were selected on the basis of having Pakistani heritage, being Muslim, being bilingual in at least one of Punjabi or Urdu and having been born in and currently living in Glasgow. The data were gathered as part of a sociophonetic study which used linguistic ethnographic and variationist methods and which identified distinct Communities of Practice within the female speakers.
The recordings were originally aligned in LABB-CAT, and then had to be re-aligned using LaBB-CAT by the SPADE project for measurement.
**Number of speakers:** 47, 42F\
**Hours of speech:** Approx 11 \
**Recording years:** 2006-2009\
**Data Guardian:** Jane Stuart-Smith as Literary Executor for the late Farhana Shaukat Alam \
**Speaker dimensions:** Gender, recording year, recording decade, age, dialect, Community of Practice (experimenter defined).
### Corpus Reference ###
Alam, Farhana (2016). ‘Glaswasian’?: A Sociophonetic Analysis of Glasgow-Asian Accent and Identity. PhD Dissertation. University of